To keep our brains at peak performance, our bodies need to work hard. Exercise cues the building blocks of learning in the brain, it affects our mood, anxiety, and attention, and guards against stress. We are all aware of the benefits of regular exercise for physical health and fitness, but we cannot underestimate the benefits…

The act of worry is contemplating what could go wrong in a future event, otherwise known as ‘what if-ing’. People who worry excessively overuse the ‘what if’ question to try to cope with uncertainty. For example, when thinking about an upcoming job interview they might ask: What if there’s a traffic jam and I am…

Yes, it can be effective, if it involves adaptive and flexible striving that can enable the individual to learn from set-backs, celebrate their achievements (however small), and not have it serve it as a means to determine self-worth. However, problems can arise when individuals utilise perfectionistic striving as a means to prove themselves (to self…